One of my favorite Intentional Creativity®practices is creating cards!
Creating a set of Soulful Story Cards was the first Red Thread event I offered, and we often create several cards in a circle. I've written about several ways to use our cards, and there are so many ways to create them!
- Watercolor or mixed media paper, thin cardboard (I use watercolor and mixed media paper from pads)
- Watercolours or acrylic paint, acrylic ink, shimmer watercolors, Neocolor 2 crayons, Inktense pencils, calligraphy or micon pens, brushes
- Scissors, edge trimmers
- Items for collage, gold paint, glue or medium
While your paint dries, write out the 'old stories' that hold you back, critic chatter, or negative beliefs on one side of a slip of paper or in your journal:
- I never have enough time!
- I'm too old" (or too young, or too busy)
- I'd love to do my art, but I don't want to end up a starving artist ...
- I felt really isolated and lonely this last year
- I wanted to ___ by the time I was ___ ....
Then start heartstorming and writing an antidote on the other side of the paper, or in your journal. Watch for themes - are two or three stories practically the same? What antidotes resonate? They just needs to make sense to you!
- Time Angels
- Lifetime Learner
- Boundless creativity
- Global connections
- New Opportunities
Choose your card size, and tear cards from your watercolor or mixed media paper. I love round cards, so often use a template and draw a outline, then cut out. You may hold some paper for a packet, or recycle packaging
Write a word or two of your antidote on your paper (you can write supporting ideas on the other side)
Then decorate as you please! I may leave the center blank, and do a Neuro-doodle around some ... So many ways we can do these!
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