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Soul Compass Cards

 One of my favorite Intentional Creativity®practices is creating cards! 

 Creating a set of Soulful Story Cards was the first Red Thread event I offered, and we often create several cards in a circle. I've written about several ways to use our cards, and there are so many ways to create them! 


  • Watercolor or mixed media paper, thin cardboard (I use watercolor and mixed media paper from pads) 
  • Watercolours or acrylic paint, acrylic ink, shimmer watercolors, Neocolor 2 crayons, Inktense pencils, calligraphy or micon pens, brushes
  • Scissors, edge trimmers
  • Items for collage, gold paint, glue or medium
Set your intention for your cards
Paint your background - playful, happy colors! If using watercolor paper, spray and drip color into it for a wash. If recycling thin cardboard (chocolate sleeves or tea boxes)  use white paint or gesso to prepare your surface, then paint with acrylics.

While your paint dries, write out the 'old stories' that hold you back, critic chatter, or negative beliefs on one side of a slip of paper or in your journal: 

  • I never have enough time!
  • I'm too old" (or too young, or too busy) 
  • I'd love to do my art, but I don't want to end up a starving artist ... 
  • I felt really isolated and lonely this last year
  • I wanted to ___ by the time I was ___ ....

Then start heartstorming and writing an antidote on the other side of the paper, or in your journal. Watch for themes - are two or three stories practically the same? What antidotes resonate? They just needs to make sense to you! 

  • Time Angels
  • Lifetime Learner
  • Boundless creativity
  • Global connections
  • New Opportunities

Choose your card size, and tear cards from your watercolor or mixed media paper. I love round cards, so often use a template and draw a outline, then cut out. You may hold some paper for a packet, or recycle packaging 

Write a word or two of your antidote on your paper (you can write supporting ideas on the other side)

Then decorate as you please! I may leave the center blank, and do a Neuro-doodle around some ... So many ways we can do these! 


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