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Showing posts from January, 2024

Word of the Year

 A practice I've engaged in several times is choosing a word for guidance over the year ahead.  My friend Kathleen has offered this in early January at our church for 7 or so years (virtually during lock down), and i joined the group again last weekend.  We start with sharing our last word, the a review of the previous year, listing highs and lows - and look for themes. Feel into what you wish for this year ahead, and for a word to support you.  Kathleen invites us to use a dictionary or thesaurus as we come time this word. Last year I chose Weave, as I wanted to save new friendships and experiences. One of my church friends began a singles group, and a Native Voices bookgroup, and also joined our Edible Landscaping group,  so deepened with current friends and wove in new ones!  Weave - 2023 Our singles group meet Saturday for a great,  and each drew a card from a Hawaiian healing deck - my card 'Kaulike' invites balance - and we bespoke finding balance between work and pla