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Word of the Year

  For Several years, my friend Kathleen has offered a Word of the Year Playshop at our church in January. 

She generally uses a more linear approach - using Dictionaries and Thesauri, after a quick review and release of any 'baggage' from the year just past ...

This year, she invited a friend who facilitates Soul Collage (tm) to join us, and we chose images! Both Kathleen and Deandra brought a bunch of images from magazines, cards and calendars, and laid them out on several tables,  for us to gather from. 

Card size is general 5×7" or 5x8" and we could choose from several colours of mat board for our background. Other materials included an index card, glue sticks and scissors. 

My workstation
We did a quick year review and release, then choose images, and started to fine tune and arrange them. After we'd glued the images, we paired up, and one of the dyad acted as scribe for the other: 

I am the one who ....

My partner, used to a more linear and 'heady' approach, was delighted with his word (Husbandry), saying, 'I'd never have chosen it, just working with words!'

I began *occasionally* making soul collage cards in 2008, when I got Seena Frost's first book on the cards. I've attended several SC classes and play dates. A few years ago, I met Leo Sheerin on our Art Harvest Studio tour, who was interviewed in this video about the training!

Our SiStar Cindy Jacobs recently completed the Soul Collage facilitator training, and is Weaving the process in to her classes and some of our circles! 

I am the one who...

Some resources on Soul Collage:

Soul Dance - 2008
Soul Dance is one of the first Soul Collage cards I made. The Flower essence definition for Plumaria (which I made on a trip to Hawaii in 2006)"Brings awareness of family roots. Restores spiritual integrity for native peoples."

The little girl reminded of my granddaughter KK (then 4) 'rocking out!' . . . there's a hint of fairy energy, & the dignity of the woman on the left. (KK turned 20 this past weekend!) 
  • I'm the one who is excited to BE HERE, who hears the music of the spheres & dances my own dance! 
  • I am the one who sees the essence behind the symbols, the turn of the seasons. 
  • I am the one who transcends the wheel of life, & finds the beauty wherever I AM!
Have you used Soul Collage as a tool for self- discovery?


  1. I can't even begin to describe how much I love this and how much I want to do this. I have done collage in a variety of ways, especially during the annual 61-day index card a day challenge. I've never used this approach, and I am so excited about the possibilities. Thank you so much for the details and for showing me how this can get done!

    1. Oh, Alice, I'm so glad!!
      I love this way of creating cards - and it's a nice small project (larger than index cards - but still manageable!!)
      If you have a local frame shop, the cut outs from mats are the right size, and come in yummy colors! And you can get started pretty simply!
      Have fun!!

  2. Looks like a very deep and creative project. I’m impressed!

    1. Thank you, Laurie - It was so fun to see the other creations! We all had access to the same images - yet chose the ones that appealed to us! And there were so many different styles!

  3. I love this idea! Now I want to come up with some unique creations. I love your Soul Dance collage card.

    1. Oh, have fun, Martha!!
      I've got a bunch of fun ones left from yesterday that I want to play with!

  4. I have never heard of soul collage cards, but it sounds like a fun and creative process!

    1. It is a fun process, Tamara! I've made a bunch over the years - and always enjoy the process! When my kids were in a small school in the 70s, one teacher brought in a bunch of images cut from magazines - animals, people, houses, landscapes - and invited the kids to choose several, then write a story about them!


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