Happy WIP Wednesday - what are you creating?
Recently we've been having fun creating cards, or painting stones, or .... for brightening someone's day.
We began offering Virtual Circles as a pivot from the in person gatherings early in the summer of 2020, and an early circle was Thinking Cap.
Some of us had done the process during a Guild members call, and we chose it for our August virtual Red Thread Circle offering.
- What image comes with the phrase "put on my thinking cap?"
- How do you access information and your intuition - do you have different access channels?
- Are there different caps for different purposes?
- What feels unique?
- What similar to others?
I love our circles - we've had women from nearby Oregon, to Florence, Italy, Ireland, England, NZ, and even India!
It is always a treat to see how our muses interact and inspire each other.
For Thinking Cap, we began with a couple of readings from my co-host Linda Allen and then a bit of Metacognative drawing - pen or marker on the paper, and do a free form doodle, thinking of the phrase, "______ my thinking cap" (activating, accessing, what's ...) we drew for a minute or two, then wrote about what we accessed.
We went on to sketch/ paint an image of our Thinking Cap for 5-10 minutes - and what a delightful variety of images emerged, and then shared during our Red Thread Circle. Cindy recalled doodling light bulbs in her college notebooks when she had "ah-ha!"' moments!
One lady showed up at the base of a tree, with messages in the roots and leaves - which led to a wonderful discussion of how tree communities support each other, sharing nutrients and connection via the mycorrhizal fungi...
It is such a joy to share time and creative process with this community, 4 of the gals are in this year's Color of Woman teacher training -
Earlier in the summer, CoW student Carol Fairbanks led Creating Home with Your Heart as one of her IC events - and Christy Cozby led her own version shortly after - I did the first in my Juju Journal
House of the Heart with Carol
And the one with Christy on canvas - the prompts led to recalling the cute 50s home my dad painted pink, with dark red trim and a white roof (to reflect the Central Oregon sun) ... And the Blue Door of my piano teacher's little back room Bible Bookstore.
House of the Heart with Christy - on Canvas
Over the past year and a half, we've hosted a number of Intentional Creativity teachers and students, which enriches us all!
What's on your workstation or easel today?
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