The invitation to our circle read, "Does this happen at your house? You have a great idea, jot copious notes...then, months later, discover them tucked away in one of your many files or journals! If they're not visible, they often just drop off the radar!
"Viola - make pockets to hold sets of cards with those ideas, and string them up on a line!"
This was a great springboard for our Circle! SiStars attended from the UK, Australia, and even India (4:30 AM!) as well as USA! And what fun to see ideas cross pollinate as we inspired each other! You'll find my first board and earlier post about these boards here.
I pulled out the demo canvas from a Medicine Basket Paint With Pals party (16×20") to use for my backing. I used garden twine for my lines, and taped the knotted ends to the stretcherbars. Several pockets are repurposed envelopes (Christmas cards!) and others from cardstock and a scrap of fingerpaint.
Paint with Pals - Medicine Basket
Old supplies from scrapbook projects, thrift or craft stores are a treasure trove. I don't have much free wall space, so hung the canvas on a couple of push pins on a bookshelf by my paint station.
I tied the Red Thread from our circle onto one of the clothespins (Which is right over the ball of thread in the painting!) Use a piece of tac or masking tape to display one card. Individual cards, like a daily Oracle, could also be pinned directly to the line.
Pockets strung on the demo canvas
Keep an art journal or Smashbook? Create some pockets and paste them in your journal to hold writing prompts, inspirational quotes, lines of verse, collage scraps and other tidbits!
Envelopes come in many sizes, shapes and papers, and make great pockets! Linda Allen created a pocket spread in her Smashbook, and colorful tape adds a colorful, practical accent. Linda also glued a manilla envelope in the back of one Smashbook, to hold larger cards for a year long class.
File folders or larger pockets holding detailed info can be tacked up, or housed nearby, with in depth writings and images. Want them on the wall?
Command hook can hold skirt hangers for heavier pockets (Pinterest offers lots of ideas! My teenage granddaughter just got a photo display, with 5 strands of hemp twine and mini clothespins, suspended between two laths!)
Angie Delaplain used some of her Neuro-Noodle sketches, ribbon and buttons to create vertical pockets, hung from a command hook! Her pockets look great, and are perfect for affirmation cards.
Angie's pockets
Several participants have cards they've created and were newly inspired on ways to organise, and make them more accessible.
One has prayer flags she'd hung outside, but that's not practical in her new area - viola, an inside line! Another is organizing prompt cards for teaching....
Want to try a system like one of these?
Saw another fun idea on Instagram (#miniclothespins) - wrap twine around a board 2-6 or so times, crisscrossing, and use mini clothes pegs to hang cards and/or pockets!