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Using Our Tools

What do you do when your nosey, noisy Critic pipes up and tells you why you can't ___?

You know the things she likes to taunt us with - 

  • "I can't do that!" 
  • "I'm not creative, ____ is the creative One!"
  • "I'm too ___ (old, out of shape, uncoordinated, not educated...)
  • "I never learned...." 
  • "I never have enough time!"   
  • "I'd love to do my art, but I don't want to end up a starving artist" ... 
  • "I can't afford__"

One of my favorite ways of quieting her voice, shifting her rhetoric and countering the Old Stories is crafting Soul Compass Cards to point the way.

Many of us have written affirmations! Douglas Bloch, author of 'Words that Heal' suggests going a bit deeper - writing an affirmation, then processing "what comes up;" and asking ourselves, "who told you that?" "Do you believe it's true?" 

 ... With Story cards, we identify the old beliefs first, then seek an antidote, which becomes our affirmation. The next step is the fun part, paint! Markers! Glitter!!

My first Story Cards and cover

Soul Compass or Story cards are a great critic bypass! (So is sending her out to the driveway to sort gravel, or giving her a glass of wine and chocolate!)

We listen for some of the Old stories, write an antidote, and craft a short affirmation; the Antidotes are transferred to cards & decorated - glitter, sparkle, shimmer!

And then, ... we often tuck the deck away, and head off to the next task ...

When the Critic sneeks back, the antidote is nestled away in some basket or drawer ...


When talking to others in our community, I notice we often continue to "reaffirm" and activate stories countered long before!  When I hear one surface, I often ask if they wish to reframe that story, & affirm a positive thought instead! (And try to remember to do this myself !)

So my inquiry today is, "How do you utilize the lessons and antidotes offered by your Soul Compass Cards?"

I invite you to light a candle, pour a cup of tea, pull out your journal and cards. Shuffle through your deck.

A direct approach

Journal about some old story phrases you notice your Inner Critic has been pulling out of her bag of tricks, and which currently block your progress. Perhaps do a Metacognative drawing about her script. 


  • go through your Soul Compass deck, and pull 2-3 cards which relate to that issue, and work with their messages. 
  • Journal about the messages, and actions you might take.. 
  • If none of your antidotes quite fit, craft a new antidote and card! **
  • Put the cards on your altar or vision plan board till your next reading

Intuitive Reading

  • Shut your eyes, breathe into your heart and belly
  • Pull a card at random, and before looking at it, hold it between your hands
  • Notice your impressions - a color, a word or two, a plant or animal ally
  • Open your eyes and look at the card and affirmation
  • Journal about both your impressions, and about that card and message
  • How does it relate to the old story you've been battling?
  • Place the card somewhere you can see it, and continue to receive messages
Oracle reading
  • If you work with other Oracle decks, pull a card or two from your own deck as well
  • Write about the Oracle in your journal, including impressions from your cards
  • Add new insights to the back of the card 
Additional cards

One friend told me she's created «Well over 100 card decks, ... for insight and process." Wow! 
One of my favorite Red Thread Circle offerings is creating 3-5 story cards in a 90-120 minute class. I'm always curious to see what beliefs tag along, and the variety of cards that will be created! Often several beloveds share similar old stories, and work on antidotes together.

**This is great to do again when you notice none of your cards fully address a current critic whine.... A piece of watercolor paper from a pad is a good size, and you'll likely want to make additional cards the same size as your current deck. I do a watery wash on a sheet (often 9×12") then tear apart, and create several new cards. 

Additional Story Cards

Symbols, Totems and Angels

  • Create additional cards inspired by messages and symbols from your paintings
  • Write a short description on the back 
  • Totems: Hummingbird came as I painted Taliswoman, It reminds each flower (student) of their unique beauty, and can match pace by slowing, or speeding up.
  • Notice when symbols on your cards find their way onto the canvas!
  • Time Angels is favorite, and Grace Elohim invites us to "Grace it and Move On!"
  • Images representing daily guidelines like the Reiki Principles 
  • Little reminder cards like: When in doubt, glaze! & Take it to the journal!
  • Other cards you've made might include soul collage, Neuro-Noodle or journey cards, and their systems - use these, too! 
What are some of your favorite cards, and ways you've found to use them? 

Share in the comments!   



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