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Vision board and cards

  At the end of January, I saw an invitation to craft vision boards with one of our Neurographica teachers in an online session. I'd already made a soul collage card for my word of the year - Connected , and loved this invitation of another way to work with it.  I've made vision boards off and on for several decades, and am always intrigued with the images and messages that appear. One of my first Red Thread offerings was making vision boards, in 2016!  Vision board 2025 For the neuropathic vision board class, we used the Feng Shui 'bagua' grid to lay out the pictures in 9 'sections'. After they were in place, we drew neuro lines over the collage, to support our Word and our intentions! I made a smaller board (~ 8x15") w/ some of the left over images I'd chosen - and it's still on my wall 😃. I love that central figure!  ᏗᏓᏂᎸᎢᏍᏗ di-da-ni-lv-i-s-di Celebrate! I often use lighter weight tagboard for the backing - but this year's boards are on so...
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Strengths and Allies

 In this week's Creative Resilience class with Cindy Jacobs , the quality / trait explored is Courage.  In the 8 classes, we use our journals for insights, then move on to  Soul Collage and Mixed media to  craft cards.  Courage  (central image - Leah P Kolidas) My Courage Ally invites me to: Stand strong Stay grounded and do my daily practices Speak the truth Maintain vigilance  Bathe in the water of life Remember starlight Cindy included 'Wonder Woman' amongst a group of images we could print and use. One sister included WW on card, and spoke of her lariat of Truth, and Bracelets symbolizing freedom from shackles.  Wonder Woman first appeared in 1941, during WWII, and 'was originally depicted fighting the fascist/Axis forces and supervillains.'  Thank tippy for your oh-so  Timely appearance! Her symbols include Greek Golden eagle  Lasso of Hestia (lie/truth detector) Steel Braclets - freedom from shackles  Tiara - serves as ...

Possibility Cards

  Last week I joined  Cindy Jacobs 's playshop, combining S oulCollage® Expressive Arts, and Intentional Creativity, to explore ways to support our Word of the Year . Cindy loves making and using little cards for inspiration and reminders, and I enjoyed her tips and tricks.  We created a  S oulCollage®  Visionary archetype or Neter card, and began a dozen Mixed media cards (3×4") - we will add to both decks each month over the year. (Neter is a word used by the Egyptians for cosmic beings and qualities) Visionary Neter For the little deck of Visionary qualities, I used stencils and Gel medium on Mixed media paper for texture, colored using neocolor 2 crayons, sealed with medium, and glued the sheets to junk mail Flyers, and painted the backs.  After cutting out a dozen cards, I  painted the edges with metallic acrylic, and made a couple of bookmarks and smaller cards from the scraps.  Cards in process There are so many ways to create cards!  ...

Energizing intention

  A few weeks ago, I crafted a card in a Word of the Year playshop with my friend Kathleen.... and I'm excited to join our own  Cindy Jacobs  in a year long journey to  energize our Words, using Soul Collage™ and Intentional Creativity!  Queen bee During each of our monthly classes, we'll use creative processes to gain further insights into working with our Words, and keep the energy of our intentions alive.  In our first session this Friday, we'll explore the theme of our ’inner Visionary’  creating and 'meeting' a Soul Collage™ Visionary card. Time will be allotted for Journaling, and crafting background papers for several Mixed Media visionary cards. Cindy has chosen a Word of the Year for 14 years, and loves using creative processes to explore and  activate  her words! This is a great way to set your intention for what you'd like to accomplish and gain clarity. Each 3 hour session is offered on a pay what you can fee, with $30-45 sugges...

Circle Practice

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Reset your space

  It's almost time for our February offering - Resetting the space of your Living Altar - a reset with a creative sizzle!  Last year, my virtual friend  Katy  from our  Intentional Creativity  community invited me to co-host the month long challenge, this will be the second year I'm helping facilitate.  You can join our Facebook group  here Red Thread At the end of a workshop, our IC teacher  Shiloh  issued this invitation:  " I would love for you to finish your painting if you haven’t, and then to clean your studio. Reset your altars. Make new room for the sprouts to come up through the ashes. You need space and time to see what’s coming up and what wants to be shared and prepared for...." Whatever your space and projects, giving time and attention to a reset often inspires us, and gives access to new ideas and insights.  Begun in 2020, the Reset group description reads,  "think of this, what if your whole home was ...

Word of the Year

  For Several years, my friend Kathleen has offered a Word of the Year Playshop at our church in January.  She generally uses a more linear approach - using Dictionaries and Thesauri, after a quick review and release of any 'baggage' from the year just past ... This year, she invited a friend who facilitates Soul Collage (tm) to join us, and we chose images! Both Kathleen and Deandra brought a bunch of images from magazines, cards and calendars, and laid them out on several tables,  for us to gather from.  Card size is general 5×7" or 5x8" and we could choose from several colours of mat board for our background . Other materials included an index card, glue sticks and scissors.  My workstation We did a quick year review and release, then choose images, and started to fine tune and arrange them. After we'd glued the images, we paired up, and one of the dyad acted as scribe for the other:  I am the one who .. .. My partner, used to a more linear and 'heady' ...