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Gourds and pumpkins - part 2

 We had so much fun at today's circle - thank you Luna for leading and Cindy for being our co-pilot!! Luna invited us to share a way we enjoy pumpkin, and they all sounded so savory - from essential oils, to soups, Rice pudding and Gluten Free pumpkin Cheesecake!  One of each I had a lovely time sitting back and creating - and will play with messages in a bit! I pulled out my fluid acrylics (love the gold!) and decorated the gourd first - then painted a ᎢᏯ (i-ya - pumpkin in Cherokee) in my journal.  Punkin play zine I used a pre-election mailer as the base for a little zine - painted random strokes for a background, and then added collage (I even found pictures of ᎢᏯ (pumpkin)   I'll add it's name and more words later 🎃 Zine - Back and front covers There were some great ideas on favorite ways to use pumpkin - now I'm hungry!! Here's a recipe for a Pumpkin bean soup, that's similar to one mentioned (it's vegan and Gluten Free.)  What showed up for you?
Recent posts

Gourds and pumpkins, oh my!

  This fall our RT SiStar Luna invited us to   ' paint,  carve, or color jack o lanterns for the Halloween season.' Luna found a coloring page to post in our FB group, and some fun pumpkin art for inspiration. She got a large pumpkin, while I found a palm size gourd! Small Gourd T'is is the season for our Art Harvest Studio tour, and this lovely spiral pendant followed me home on the weekend.  Spiral pendant - Debra Franciosi   I love spirals, and think some may appear on my gourd.  Will you be working on paper, in your journal, or on a physical curcubid?

Word of the Year

 A practice I've engaged in several times is choosing a word for guidance over the year ahead.  My friend Kathleen has offered this in early January at our church for 7 or so years (virtually during lock down), and i joined the group again last weekend.  We start with sharing our last word, the a review of the previous year, listing highs and lows - and look for themes. Feel into what you wish for this year ahead, and for a word to support you.  Kathleen invites us to use a dictionary or thesaurus as we come time this word. Last year I chose Weave, as I wanted to save new friendships and experiences. One of my church friends began a singles group, and a Native Voices bookgroup, and also joined our Edible Landscaping group,  so deepened with current friends and wove in new ones!  Weave - 2023 Our singles group meet Saturday for a great,  and each drew a card from a Hawaiian healing deck - my card 'Kaulike' invites balance - and we bespoke finding balance between work and pla

Gratitude circle

 Many of us reflect on gratitude during November, and that was our focus for this month's Red Thread Circle.  We each shared something we are grateful for as we passed the Red Thread; some were connection, pleasure in small moments, Community, clarity, presence and our time together.  I used a compass in my journal, inspired by Cindy and Linda to create a couple of mandalas. I so appreciate collaborating with these amazing co-facilitators! Neuroart Gratuitude mandala Neurographica is a form researched and developed by a Russian psychologist, Pavel Piskerev, and taught by practioners on several countries.  It dovetails beautifully with Intentional Creativity, as you begin my focusing on an intention, or something you wish to shift. Pavel observed that while angles make us somewhat uncomfortable, round shapes are soothing and calm our nervous system.  Linda and I took the basic class last year, and often use neurgraphica as inspiration for our own neuroart adaptations. Here's a r

Painting panel prep

  I love painting on wood!  When I was in my Color of Woman teacher training in 2015, we painted 5 large pieces, two on wood panels! I found our "Art Doc's"   tutorial on buying and mounting a hardwood panel super helpful. (But dang - those pieces are heavy!)  Intentional Creativity is a process of self reflection and discovery,  preparing the container is a wonderful way to begin! During Color of Woman, I painted both Taliswoman, " Songs of Light ," and Alchemist, "Firekeeper," on wood panels which my son-in love helped me prepare. I bought the plywood panels and 1x1" supports at Lowe's, then took them to Matt, who has the tools, workspace, and is handy. (And loves my art!) Hummingbird - Songs of Light He suggested using a little sanding block with fine sandpaper - and I watched a  tutorial  which recommended applying a couple of coats of GAC-100 (polymer, the binder for acrylic paint) before the gesso.  The suggested drying time for the poly


 For this week's Red Thread Circle, we were inspired by a quote our SiStar Sepha recently posted on social media -  🌟 Glimmers  🌟  Ooo, yes! With Intentional Creativity, we discover we notice Glimmers more and more frequently!  " After dealing with past traumas and designing remedies, after recognizing what your triggers are and finding your strengths, after digging deep and deeper to find your authentic self, now what? ...." Seeking micro- moments of happiness - seeking Glimmers is a perfect antidote! So we gathered supplies (paper, journals, colors and our/ clippings) and sparkles (Shimmer watercolor, glitter) and brought some of our Glimmers to the page!  Journal page I picked a couple of flowers from my hardy  fuschias - Harlequin and White Knight's Pearl - and apricots I picked on the weekend. Along with a journal, I pulled out Neocolor II crayons, Inktense pencils, brushes and Pearl Tec Shimmer watercolors.  Playful Glimmers of Hope and Joy I loved Linda's

February Reset

 I'm looking forward to the February Festival -  Resetting the space of your Living Altar,  which Katy  from our  Intentional Creativity  community hosts! I'm also a bit nervous, as I've been invited on board to help facilitate the group this year! You can join the group here Red Thread A decade ago, our IC teacher  Shiloh  issued this invitation:   " I would love for you to finish your painting if you haven’t, and then to clean your studio. Reset your altars. Make new room for the sprouts to come up through the ashes. You need space and time to see what’s coming up and what wants to be shared and prepared for...." Whatever your space and projects, giving time and attention to a reset often inspires us, and gives access to new ideas and insights.  The Resetting group description reads,  "think of this, what if your whole home was a sacred space? Throughout February, (we) will lead a month of consciously clearing spaces in your home, and you're invited!&qu