We had a great RT circle call today, where we worked with a fusion of the Color of Healing process I learned in a massage workshop in 1983, and apractice from a recent PRISMA practioner session with Dr Mary McChrystal I and added neurolines at the end! Several of the participants had recent surgeries, some had chronic pain or other Health issues, and one had a massage earlier in the day, which always leaves her sore! We Began with a body centered meditation and breath, noticing our bodies and areas of discomfort. Focus of the opening reading was Joy, and our RT inquiry was to share name and land acknowledgment, then something that brought joy/ they were grateful for. Then I introduced the practice: Color of Healing 🌟 with eyes closed, choose the first color ⭐ Draw simple 'gingerbread style body outline first, then areas in pain/ needing attention 🌟 With that first or another intuitive color, drew a reverb/ energy field around the body. 🌟 African energy Heale...