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Showing posts from November, 2021

Not 'Just' Crafts!'

  When someone joins our circle for the first time, it can be for many reasons - but generally there's a sense of wanting to meet with others ( especially in these times of limited personal interaction!) They may have felt the call to set aside time for creativity, may have lots of art supplies, or just pens and paper! Some are very experienced with arts and crafts - others are new explorers - All are welcome! Can we do a RT circle Grammie? The blurb on our MeetUp group reads, " We are a group of women who meet to access our own internal guidance system through Intentional Creativity®, a process which incorporates writing, visioning, sketching and painting to help us each develop a deeper sense of self awareness. Event hosts are graduates of Color of Woman, Motherboard or RT Guide programs, and o ccasionally we will have a guest host from another mindful creative practice. We each bring our personal medicine basket of practices and experiences; our gatherings and offerings r...

Deepening with Neurographica

 I discovered Neurographica about this time last year, (read about that  here ) and have played with the form ever since. This fall, Aline Smolyansky posted an invitation to her 'Neurovember' challenge, a 'soft' invitation to post daily - or frequently - throughout the month. Neurovember Cover Page A couple of months ago, I broke my right wrist (!! Slipped on a patch of mud!) and after surgery with a GREAT doctor, and being fitted with a splint with Purple Velcro - was slowly able to write - and then draw again .... one of the first forms I 'tackled' was my trusty Neuro-Noodling!  Two months post surgery, I'm pretty much up to speed writing, playing harp, painting - Woot!  The general theme of NeuroVember is The Joy of Being - and the first week's prompts are: Joy Wisdom Happiness Vitality Knowledge Creativity Personal Theme Hands and Autumn Leaves Art challenges are a good way to get in a daily drawing (etc) habit, to get 'unstuck' if you'...